Secure Cloud Storage and Chat

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Secure Cloud Storage and Communication. Privacy built in. MEGA offers an encryption complete cloud storage and communications service that lets users manage how much storage they have. Your data is secured by our cloud storage service provider but not by other service providers. This extension allows users to install MEGA within your web browser, which will speed up the loading process time, improve download speed and increase security. This extension will be able to capture any MEGA URL and make its in its local location (no JavaScript will ever be downloaded through the servers).

MEGA’s sources files (HTML CSS, JavaScript and CSS) are able to be downloaded directly via the extension. They don’t need authenticity verification. This means you do not have to download the documents directly from MEGA servers. You can test them every when you go to MEGA’s website. MEGA website. Executable client code executes directly from the computer of the user instead of being downloaded directly from MEGA through SSL/TLS. 

Extensions for browsers are secured with encryption. 

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